Welcome to Jonestown Texas
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- City Hall
- Administration
- City Secretary
- HR Manager
- Development Services
- Finance
- Library
- Motor Vehicles
- Municipal Court
- Parks & Recreation / Public Works
- Police Department
City Hall
Jonestown is located 20 miles northwest of Austin in Travis County. Nestled in Texas Hill Country on the north shore of Lake Travis, Jonestown is a small community with lovely parks, a public boat landing and beautiful views.
In the 2020 census our population was reported at 2,365 and our current Mayor is Paul Johnson. Known as the “Gateway to the Hill Country” we are known for our large oak trees, beautiful views and being near Lake Travis. Our city was established in the late 1930’s by Emmet A. Jones and his brother Warren.
We are home to Jones Brothers Park, which boasts picnic sites, ball fields, a sand volleyball court, tennis/basketball court, walking path and a playscape. There is also a public boat ramp (water level permitting) where residents & guests may launch their boats for a fee.
Location & Hours
City Hall
- Location: 18649 FM 1431, Ste 4, Jonestown, TX, 78645
- Phone: 512-267-3243
- Monday thru Thursday: 7:00am to 5:00pm (Excluding City holidays)
- Friday 8:00am to 12:00pm
The Administration Department consists of:
- City Manager
- City Secretary
- Municipal Court Clerk
- Finance Department
- Human Resources
Interim City Manager - Tracie Hlavinka
- Phone: 512-267-3243
- Fax: 512-267-4572
- Email: thlavinka@jonestowntx.gov
The City Manager is appointed by the Jonestown City Council to carry out policy and ensure that the entire community is being served with the level of city services set by the Council. Responsibilities include:
Preparation of an annual budget for the council’s consideration
Recruiting, hiring and supervising the city’s staff
Day-to-day operations of the city.
The City Manager also serves as the Council’s chief advisor and makes policy recommendations to the council for adoption or modification.
Council members and citizens rely on the City Manager to provide complete and objective information, evaluation of alternatives, and identification of the possible impacts of possible policy decisions.
The City Manager is also interactive with other cities, the Chamber of Commerce, future developers and business owners for the purpose of promoting the future growth of the city.
Citizens may voice any concerns or comments regarding city services with the City Manager’s office.
- City of Jonestown Comprehensive Plan
City Secretary - Sandra Barton, TRMC
- Phone: 512-267-3243 option 8
- Fax: 512-267-4572
- Email: sbarton@jonestowntx.gov
The City Secretary is responsible for:
Maintaining the official records for the City of Jonestown, which include minutes and agendas for all city meetings, ordinances and resolutions, planning and development applications, platting, and annexation requests.
Presiding over local elections
Serving as the City Historian.
Helpful Links:
Public Information Request Center
All open records request must be made through the City Secretary.
The following methods under Texas Government Code Section 552.234 are hereby designated as the approved means of submitting a written request for public records for the City of Jonestown, Texas:
(1) One mailing address;
- City of Jonestown
- Office of the City Secretary
- 18649 FM 1431, Suite 4A
- Jonestown, Texas 78645
(2) One electronic email address;
(3) Officer for receipt of hand delivery during business hours;
- City of Jonestown
- Office of the City Secretary
- 18649 FM 1431, Suite 4A
- Jonestown, Texas 78645
Request for Public Information form.
The City’s designated newspaper for official notices for fiscal year 2021-2022 is The Hill Country News.
Deputy City Secretary - Robin Smith
- Phone: 512-267-3243, option 2
- Email: rsmith@jonestowntx.gov
HR Manager - Bernetta Collins
- Phone: 512-267-3243 Ext 9906
- Fax: 512-267-4572
- Email: bcollins@jonestowntx.gov
Development Services
( Planning & Development; Building Inspections & Permitting)
Contact Information
- Location: 18649 FM 1431, Suite 16, Jonestown, TX 78645
- Phone: 512-267-0359
- Fax: 512-267-1712
- Email: permitting@jonestowntx.gov
- Monday thru Thursday: 7:00am to 5:00pm; Friday: 8:00am to 12noon (Excluding City holidays) Note that office may sometimes be closed during normal hours, if staff is out in the field
Development Services Director - Cynthia Jolly
Building Inspector - Phillip Thompson
Planners - Gregory LeBlanc and Misti Perez
For more information, please visit our Development Services page.
(Back to top)Finance
Finance Director - Elizabeth Myers
- Phone: 512-267-3243, option 6
- Fax: 512-267-4572
- Email: emyers@jonestowntx.gov
Accounting Clerk/Wastewater billing clerk - Rosemary Fearon
- Phone: 512-267-3243, option 5
- Fax: 512-267-4572
- Email: rfearon@jonestowntx.gov
Contact Information
- Phone: 512-267-7511
- Fax: 512-267-2013
- Email: library@jonestown.org
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9am-6pm, Tuesday/Thursday 9am-8pm, Saturday 9am-1pm, Sunday Closed.
(Closed on all City Holidays)
Library Director - Galen Hodges
(Back to top)Motor Vehicles
The City of Jonestown is no longer able to process vehicle registration renewals for Travis County residents. In person renewals may be processed at Travis County Tax Office locations, and at participating HEB, Fiesta Mart, and AAA locations.
(Back to top)Municipal Court
Presiding Judge - Judge Stephen Spindler
Associate Judge - Mark Ekrut
- Mailing Address: Municipal Court, 18649 FM 1431, Ste 1A, Jonestown, Texas, 78645
Court Administrator - Robin Smith
- Phone: 512-267-3243, option 2
- Email: rsmith@jonestowntx.gov
Deputy Court Clerk -
- Phone: 512-267-3243, option 2
- Email: court@jonestowntx.gov
Parks & Recreation / Public Works
Parks Coordinator - Ann DaPrato
- Phone: 737-236-9929
- Email: adaprato@jonestowntx.gov
Public Works Director - James McCrory
- Phone: 737-236-9924
- Email: jmccrory@jonestowntx.gov
Assistant Public Works Director - Cole Johnson
Phone: 737-236-9925
Email: cjohnson@jonestowntx.gov
- General Inquiries Email: PublicWorks@jonestowntx.gov
Administrative Assistant - Laura Arnold
- Phone: 737-236-9925
- Email: larnold@jonestowntx.gov
Police Department
- Non-Emergency Dispatch: 512-974-0845, option 3
- Main Office: 512-267-7007
- Admin Fax: 512-267-3369
- Email: policeinfo@jonestowntx.gov
For more information visit our Emergency Services Page.
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