**CANCELLED** March Public Hearings
Notice of Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that the City of Jonestown Board of Adjustment and Appeals will hold public hearings on Monday, March 10, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, 18649 FM 1431, Suite 3-A, Jonestown, Texas, to receive citizen input and consider action on the following:
Dangerous Building and Dangerous Condition of Property: Consider the evidence of the violation of the Jonestown Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3 Building, Article 3.03 Substandard Building Regulations, Sec. 3.03.003 Substandard Residential Buildings, Section 3.03.035 Dangerous Buildings Declared a Nuisance, and Sec. 3.03.037 Notice of Dangerous Building or Dangerous Condition of Property; as amended by the Unified Development Code Ordinance No. 2025-O-650 adopted 1/9/2025, Article 3 Land Use, Section Substandard Residential Buildings, Section Dangerous Buildings Declared a Nuisance, and Section Notice of Dangerous Building or Dangerous Condition of Property; for ordering the repair, removal, securing, vacation, and/or demolition of the building or structures located at 11119 Third Street, (Property ID: 185863, Lot 521 Block C Jonestown Hills Unit 5), Jonestown, Texas, owners of record for said property being Shawne Ellen Donahue Welcher.
Variance: A request by Eric and Tamara Sims for a variance from the Jonestown Code of Ordinances, as amended by the Unified Development Code Ordinance No. 2025-O-650 adopted 1/9/2025, Section 3.1.1(B)(2) to allow construction of a pool to encroach 15 ft. into the 20 ft. rear setback of the property located at 7205 Sunswept Dr, (Property ID: 728003, Lot 20 Block B Bluffs, The Amended), Jonestown, Texas.
Information concerning these requests is available for viewing at Jonestown City Hall, 18649 FM 1431, Suite 4-A, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. You may call 512-267-0359 or e-mail cjolly@jonestowntx.gov for more information. The Jonestown Unified Development Code, Ordinance No. 2025-O-650 adopted 1/9/2025, is available online at www.jonestowntx.gov > Documents > Planning: City Adopted Plans > Unified Development Code adopted January 9, 2025.